If a family was previously experiencing stress, the loss of a job, medical bills and concurrently dealing with alcohol or chemical dependence, or some mental or medical health challenge, then unmet expectations can increase the stress and result in spontaneous and unintentional abuse in the home. And, if abuse in the home was already an established pattern of interaction, then circumstances can get worse. Perhaps you have a sister, brother, uncle, mother, father or friend who can use your assistance.
What’s the solution? Break the silence.
Whatever the circumstance, help is available and new coping strategies can be learned. More importantly, there is healing through Christ for all involved. Imagine for a moment, experiencing for a loved one or friend the peace and healing Christ offers. Can you think of a better gift, than to bring someone aid and information?
- To refer a friend (or to use for yourself) to his local priest for reconciliation and counseling, visit www.MassTimes.org. There it is easy to identify a local Catholic Church and contact information to schedule an appointment with a priest. Also, calling you local diocese and asking for a list of Catholic counseling services in the area is easy enough to accomplish;
- For our sisters and their children who are thankful for a day free of violence - Faith and Trust Institute;
- The Church on domestic violence - "Scripture leads to... equal dignity of men and women" (USCCB);
- Are you called to share with someone you know a path to freedom from violence? Learn to identify abuse in the home here;
- Be Still and Know, Stephen Curtis Chapman - Music for contemplation;
- Domestic Violence Recovery Books
- Catholic counseling support;
- Getting help for a loved one or friend suffering from domestic violence - Video;
- 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) / 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) - Anonymous & Confidential Help 24/7
+ Catholic Dads HQ - Faith formation is job #1 - Working toward "Strengthening: Heart, Soul and Mind" (sm) of Catholic dads, their families and communities everywhere (Mark 12:29-31)