Be Lifted Up

As 2010 comes to a close, I felt called from the place of Christ's birth to the cross.  To get there, I went home to Prince of Peace Abbey, where I seek spiritual guidance.  There after Mass, I visited the outdoor stations of the cross, under a clear blue sky and sunshine, the warmth of which was slightly broken only by the brisk late morning gentile wind coming off the coast.  The ground was muddy after local rains and reminded me of our origins; the stations reminded me of our Lord's path, and our destination.   I meditated, prayed, contemplated, asked and listened.  I don't know how long the walk took; at one point I was lost in thought and had to find my way back to the trail I have walked before.

Fellowship with the Lord is very humbling.  For all that one is and all that one could be is exposed.  There is no hiding when one comes to the cross.

Finishing the walk, I was mindful of the seeds scattered in the soil of mind and heart.

It took the better part of the day, thinking and searching for a theme to memorialize today; the theme was found in a song by Paul Oakley, Be Lifted Up.  In 2011 I trust the Lord to cultivate and give root to what is for his good pleasure, in my life and in the lives of dads and moms everywhere, seeking to allow Christ to be lifted up in their lives so they and their children will have a clear vision of their destination.  As the early evening of today is upon us, I find myself reflecting on a section of today's reading:

Do not love the world or the things of the world.  If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. - 1 John 2:15

From this scripture is born the prayer that our fellowship with Christians everywhere be unified to strengthen and cultivate what matters for this generation and the next.

A simple walk under the blue sky of our creator.  A simple purpose guided by the light of his spirit.  May our Lord be lifted up.

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